difference between the casserole sold at pharmacies

What's the difference between the casserole sold at pharmacies and convenience stores?

'Check the extinguishers and debt tags of Koreans' The national extinguishing agent, Kashwa Myeongsu, can be easily purchased not only in pharmacies, but also in convenience stores and marts. Of course, did you know that Kashwa Myungsoo, who thought it was the same product, is a different product depending on the vendor?

As of May 2012, 13 types of generic drugs from four efficacy groups, such as analgesic antipyretic, cold medicine, digestive, and pars, have been sold at convenience stores. Simple prescription medicine without a prescription is quite good because it can be easily purchased at convenience stores. Then let's take a look at why they are different and how they differ.

There are 2 casseroles with the same capacity of 75 ml. These are the QSQ of 900 won cassew purchased at convenience stores and Qas bows purchased at 1000 won at pharmacies. Was it wrong to check only the debt table for each purchase? In fact, these two comparisons of Kaesul Myeongsu have been showing differences since the label. For the pharmacy, the name “Cath Bow” is processed with a green label, but for convenience stores, it is simply processed with a blue label on the large Chinese character called “Cath Bow”. If you don't look carefully, you might want to know if the name of Kashwa Myeongsu has changed. The difference is that it is listed as a non-preservative only for pharmacy use. There was no preservative in the pharmacy, but it was found that there was a preservative in the convenience store of Kashwamyeongsu.

The bottle caps have the same design, but the colors are different. The pharmacy was treated as a gold label. The fan tag is clearly marked on the bottle cap. For reference, Donghwa Pharm is the same pharmaceutical company.

Can you see it? It is written as a generic drug for pharmacies, but is listed as a non-pharmaceutical product for convenience stores. This is an important point. Here, for quick understanding, we will point out the difference between generic drugs and quasi-drugs.

Medicines are drugs that can be found in pharmacies, and are drugs that can only be sold by pharmacists in accordance with the Pharmacist Act to prevent abuse of drugs. Quasi-drugs are products that have less effect on the ingredients or the human body than pharmacies, and can be sold at general stores. However, there are some differences in the dosage of ingredients according to the pharmacist method. Let's see what ingredients are different.

The number of ingredients in pharmacy's active life and convenience store's active life is 11 for pharmacy, and 6 for the convenience store. It's creation, Hyunho Saek, and Hubak. As a result of contacting Donghwa Pharm, the manufacturer explained that there was no difference in actual efficacy. However, the survey results were a little different. Among the ingredients, corydalis is said to have been removed in order to be classified as quasi-drugs since herbal medicine may be dangerous in pregnant women. Instead of removing the irritating ingredients, in order to have the same effect, the product of high-potency, broiler, etc., is manufactured in the casserole for convenience stores.

Therefore, quasi-drugs sold at convenience stores are not the same as medicines sold only in pharmacies, but they are made to expect similar effects and effects on loss of appetite (anorexia), stomach bloating, indigestion, overeating, congestion, nausea, and vomiting. is. Therefore, if you want a stronger feeling of refreshment and digestion, pharmacy use may be appropriate, and for pregnant women, convenience store use will be suitable.

In addition, Kashwamyeongsu is added to existing hwamyeongsu and kashwamyeongsuque's appetite loss, stomach bloating, indigestion, overeating, nausea, nausea, and vomiting effects. We are selling various products with added efficacy such as suit, constipation, weak stool, abdominal bloating, and intestinal abnormal fermentation.

In addition to Kashwa Myungsu, liquid solutions such as Ssanghwatang and Bakkasu showed differences. Convenience stores cannot receive direct prescriptions from pharmacists, so ingredients and doses are limited on a daily basis, and various differences, including prices, appear to have occurred. Even though the monetary part is excluded, please note that the ingredients and dosage are different, so pregnant women in particular need special attention. This was the difference between Kashwa Myeongsu and the convenience store Hwamyeongsu.

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