The benefits of regular physical activity

The benefits of regular physical activity

That practicing physical exercises can bring several health benefits and considerably improve the proper functioning of the organism, that everyone knows, right? However, the benefits of physical activities are only tangible and really perceived on a daily basis when we take the practice seriously, ensuring a regular weekly attendance.

According to physical educator Felipe Cruz, the practice of physical activity cannot be seen as a hobby, but as a constant habit. "Just as we eat, drink water and brush our teeth every day, we must make physical activity regular so that the benefits are effective," says Felipe.

  • Benefits of regular physical activity

• Improves our bone and muscle structures
• Reduces blood pressure
• Fights stress (and all the bad hormones linked to it)
• Relieves muscle tension
• Provides psychological well-being, by keeping us away from everyday 
• Acts against diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes , risk of heart attack
• Increases self-esteem
• Improves posture
• Increases immunity
• Acts against obesity
• Improves pain

  • Regular practice vs. eventual practice

The main difference between regular physical activity and the occasional one is in the process of adapting the body after starting regular physical activity. Therefore, when we practice physical activity, we eventually run the risk of damaging the body.

“When we start a physical activity, and it becomes part of our daily routine, the body tends to adapt to physical effort and, as a consequence, brings all the benefits mentioned above. When we do an occasional physical activity, with each physical activity, the body tends to suffer more with pain, inflammation and, even, with injuries, because he understands with a certain strangeness this “unusual” movement, explains Felipe.

  • Sedentary vs. active

Sedentary lifestyle is defined as the lack of physical activity and numerous factors can generate it, but, according to physical educator Felipe Cruz, the main reason is the daily responsibilities that consume most of our time.

“As a consequence, it generates tiredness that does not motivate us to do any type of physical activity. However, if you want to change your situation, what should be done is to seek the guidance of a professional so that he can assist you in the chosen physical activity and, preferably, consult a doctor to see if there is any type of restriction in relation to your health ”, he says.

  • Summer calls for more physical activity!

With the arrival of summer, people's interest in physical activity grows. Among the main reasons are: the heat, which does not make you want to stay at home; and the opportunity to show more of the body.

For this reason, the physical educator suggests the practice of physical activities outdoors, which are favored by the season. “Thus, it is possible to enjoy different places, breathe purer air, and the best: having contact with the sun, enjoying all the vitamin D that we can absorb”, adds Felipe.

To train in the summer, remember to practice physical activity at times when the emission of UV rays is milder: in the morning, from 6 am to 10 am, and in the afternoon, from 4 pm to 8 pm. In addition, regardless of the season or the chosen physical activity, be sure to do regular physical exercises, as, for sure, you will gain more health and vitality.

  • Exercise care

• Hydrate yourself well and prefer water! Hydration before, during and after physical activity improves performance, prevents cramps and helps control blood pressure. Double the care in the summer, as we sweat much more!

• Eat before your workout. Choose good sources of carbohydrates (sweet potatoes, manioc, whole grain bread, whole pasta, whole grains, such as brown rice) so that you do not lack energy, and a good source of protein.

• Avoid fried foods or meals that contain a lot of fats (fatty meats, milk and or their whole derivatives) before exercising. This is because fat slows down the digestion process, which may impair its performance.

• Feeding after training should be appropriate for your goal, a good nutritional strategy can make all the difference. So, nothing to go without hours after training!

  • Jasmine tip

Healthy eating is entirely linked to the effectiveness of the physical exercises you practice. Therefore, our suggestion is to invest in foods rich in nutrients and vitamins, such as: Super Fruits or Crispy Fruits , Seed Mix , Grain Flakes Granola , Cereal Bars , among others. Discover all our products

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